Thursday, January 31, 2008

Holey Schmoley I'm Off of the Doley!

For the past few months I've been on the dole - accepting cash donations from myself. My savings has been hemorrhaging the green stuff like a stuck hemophiliac pig. Continually doing this caused me significant mental duress. But, I'll have you know there was a time in my life where I made more money than I spent. It was a dark time for me emotionally but was much better for me fiscally. For quite a few months, after graduating from UCSC, I lived with my parents, taught high school full time, and did not have a girlfriend.

I believe that this is the month where my accounts will climb out of the red and return to the black. I completed 4 consulting projects for Maxon, and finished out 1.5 months with VetPrep. In fact, I suspect that I'll even have some cash left over to put into long term savings. Woohoo!

Now the trick of this is not to think of the checks I'll be depositing as money I can spend this month; it really isn't. It's money to be spent next month after I've settled up on rent, etc. But another month living off beans won't be so terrible if my net worth increases - unless you're in the unfortunate position of sleeping next to me.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Meisner Island

Earlier this week I attended a free seminar at The Meisner Center in North Hollywood (NoHo). I was having a really shitty day before I got there and it took a lot of effort on my part to be present and focused on the workshop. However, by the end I was extremely jazzed about the program and what they taught.

Once the workshop was over, my dark cloud returned and for some reason I decided that it was a good idea to talk to the two lead instructors in the middle of this funk. I presented myself as a skeptic "who had been burned" (when have I ever been burned?!) and was "financially cynical at the moment." In retrospect, even I can't believe the shit that came out of my mouth. It was after painting this none-to-rosy picture that I explained "money is tight for me right now, but I would be interested in setting up some sort of barter system."

Despite my abrasive attitude, the gentleman in charge of the program invited me to join him at their next marketing meeting. I spent a goodly portion of last night and the better part of this morning preparing a design portfolio - something I've been meaning to do for months. During the meeting, the instructors whom I had previously accosted called me on my cynicism. I turned beet red, apologized and then went on with the process of a shared interview. I explained more about myself and what I could bring to their firm, and they explained more about who they were and the nature of their program.

I'm waiting to hear from them as to where I actually stand in their esteem. However, if I play my cards right I will be able to do some design and database work in trade for Meisner instruction. I think the ideal would be me working on some projects in order to get a steep discount on this:
The Sanford Meisner Center takes you Back to Bequia in 2008 for a one-month intensive training of the Meisner Technique. Students will study in the home of Sanford Meisner, as a guest of Jimmy Carville, and walk in the footsteps of those actors who studied with the master teacher on the same lush Caribbean island.

Bequia is the original home of The Sanford Meisner Center. Sandy and Jimmy began summer intensive trainings at their home in Bequia in 1985. For the next seven years, Sandy hand selected a group of students to study with him in a one-month, highly competitive, intensive program there on the island.

This summer, The Sanford Meisner Center returns to the original training grounds for two levels of intensives – Level 1 and a Master Class. Space is limited! And spots are going quickly!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Updated Website & Reel

As a part of my new 2008 marketing campaign, I've updated all of my online materials. If you visit you will find:
  1. My acting reel: A compilation of the best work that I've got on tape. I'll definitely be updating this ASAP.
  2. A new (to you) headshot: This is an alternate headshot that I've had very good luck with on LA Casting.
  3. My new writing Blog: You'll find a link to my new writing blog "Romantic Dramedy".
  4. "Make Someone Happy": a short animated film that I completed a few years back.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Drought is Over

Thank God. I just went through nearly a month-long audition dry spell in December. Oh, and it's raining in LA in a serious way, WTF?! Thankfully my career is mirroring the weather patterns and I'm getting more calls for auditions. I had auditioned for two student films this week, one was out at Chapman University in Orange, CA. I think I've had 3 auditions at Chapman now and each time I use about 1/3 tank of gas in transit; i.e. I've invested $40 in potential Chapman gigs.

My other audition was at the New York Film School on Barham Blvd, the director seemed to really enjoy my read and told me he would be bringing me back for callbacks. This was interesting because the director had me stay in the room and read other roles because he didn't have any casting assistants. This let me peek behind the closed door and get a sense of how other actors handle their auditions. Some lessons learned:

  • Don't pretend that you're off book if you really aren't. You'll just look stupid as you search for your lines and silently berate yourself.
    • Better yet: be completely off book (I'm guilty of not doing this as much as I should)
  • Make sure that you match your action to the essence of the character – don't play a research scientist like a street thug.
  • Stay open – don't turn away from the camera or director, even if the script calls for it.
  • For the love of God, don't start conversations. We all know that you're nervous and by making a big show of how cool you are you only succeed in appearing less so.

Also, I've started the "Writing Chops" class at The Groundlings. This is probably the first time in my life that I've sat down for serious creative writing – it's hopelessly intimidating and yet really fun. I might start up another blog where I'll post my writing so as not to bore my current readers.

Side Note: I've noticed this really odd phenomena where the LA sky seems astoundingly bright even though it's 2am and dark out. I'm guessing that it's all of the city lights reflecting off of the clouds.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome to Brokesville

Welcome to Brokesville. Population: Donovan

Assuming the city cashes their check for my parking ticket (which I got parking at a meter on Melrose for my Groundlings class), I will have $80 in the bank. Awesome. Outside of 2 tanks of gas, groceries, 1 Thai dinner, and 1 round of drinks I have essentially spent nothing this month.

I'm certainly paying for my past indiscretions on this one. Amazingly when I only work 1/4 as much as I should, I only make 1/4 the money I had in my budget. Compound that with Christmas gifts, gas, eating out a ton and you've got one financially screwed blued and tatooed dude. I'm really hoping that one of my freelance checks comes in early, 'cause I don't want to pull out the very last of my unprotected savings (I still have 8k secreted away from me).

Strategy for surviving this month:
  • Drive as little as possible.
  • Cancel last two Richard Seyd classes this month (he's out of town & $75 for a CD workshop is too much IMO).
  • Eat my way through my fridge, freezer, and cupboards.
  • Bite the bullet and withdraw $825 from savings on Jan 29 to cover rent on the 1st.
Of course, everything should be tip-top come next month. My first VetPrep check, and 4 Maxon checks (assuming I finish up this months projects) should come rolling in. This is as close as I ever want to get to being a starving artist.

Drinking the Snake Oil

Snake Oil Salesman + Drinking the Kool-Aide = Drinking the Snake Oil.

The question of course is: have I, the son of the authors of "Polishing Your Little Star," fallen for the work of a scam artist, a shuckster, a confidence man, a plotter of plots, nay, a schemer of schemes? Well, I'll have an answer for you in about 8-weeks.

I just dropped more money than I care to admit on an 8-week class with Dallas Travers, life-coach extraordinaire. The course is the Creative Career Cooperative:

"An 8-Week Program where actors shift their current career perceptions and use their passion for acting to turn lofty dreams into tangible realities. Cooperators will learn the Sage Approach to Goal Getting is a four-step system enabling them to embrace risk and overcome obstacles. Dallas teaches actors to shift their inner world, upgrade their outer world, and allow exciting things to happen."

I attended Dallas's free workshop today, and was eventually won over by her charisma, inspiration, and cunning soft-sell techniques. Previously I wanted to meet with her for private life-coaching but it was more than I could afford at the time. Price-wise the career co-op is closer to fitting within the confines of my somewhat meager budget. The goal of all this is for me to get a kick in the butt for my acting in much the same way the threat of being homeless served as motivation for me to get my day-job situation sorted out.

Now in defense of life-coaching: I would not be in LA right now if it had not been for the inspiration I received from a couple life-coaches (ok, I admit it's a totally lame and retarded job title) who provided a training for the San Lorenzo Unified School district when I was a lowly year 3 teacher. Those gentlemen set the gears a-turnin' for this crazy adventure.

Now, to serenade you out, I present you with Neil Patrick Harris singing Pirelli's Magical Elixer from Sweeney Todd:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5.5 Months in LA

I've been forging my little star about as long as Fluffy McFluffersons on your right has been post utero. As of today, I've lived in Los Angeles five and a half months. Time is moving far more quickly than I ever anticipated.

I'm finding that more of my time is being absorbed by my day-job and friends than I budgeted when I first moved down here. When I was looking in my crystal ball in Oakey Oakland, I didn't anticipate meeting anyone I'd want to spend that much time with. I actually have friends here - and they give me proper non-Beverly-Hills-style hugs.

But my inner cuddle bug's gain is perhaps acting's loss. I haven't been nearly as focused as I could be. This is evidenced by how many of last month's goals I've checked off the list: 0. I accomplished a fair amount with regards to acting, it just didn't align with what I said I needed to do. Please, if you will, bear witness to the goose eggs (read:dearth) of accomplishment:

12/11/2007 – 1/15/08

Goals (What I wanted to do)

1. Write a killer cover letter.

2. Submit HS/Resumes to TAN Guests

3. Design & print thank you card.

4. Design & print promo post card.

5. Send thank you’s to past colleagues

6. Send follow-ups for SAGE marketing targets.

7. Update HS & Resume for online Casting

8. Investigate HS Photographers & Hair styles.

9. Look back into working with Saul.

10. Follow up w/ Stephen Snyder

Additional Accomplishments (What I happened to do)

1. Started working relationship with Prince G.

2. Attended a CD workshop through Seydways Studios.

3. Attended a free Standup Comedy workshop.

4. Got on a regular schedule with Gavin, my writing partner.

5. Captured reel clips and started to edit.

6. Interviewed with Chic Talent

7. Called BBA, no response.

8. Set goals for this year:

9. Had a conversation with Stephen Snyder.

10. Got very positive feedback from my Groundlings instructor.

11. Enrolled in my next Groundlings course.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I’m working for Thai royalty!

I've got a new boss and he's a Prince among men, mostly because his name is Prince. I've also got a new employee, and his name is Mr. Gomolvilas… Mr. Prince Gomolvilas that is. I'm sure that those of you that care enough to do so are currently scratching your heads about this. Well, dear reader, it's really quite simple: the internet is a time sucking devil and the only way to vanquish it is to team up with another webophile and keep each other on task.

As I've previously discussed, the internet is the [insert name of natural phenomenon that involves lots of suction] of productivity sucks. What starts as a seemingly innocent click on an email link can turn into 11 hours of missing time, not unlike a W.C. Fields style gin-induced blackout. Prince and I have decided to put a stop to all that silliness – we check in with each other at set times throughout the day to discuss our work tasks and our progress towards completing them.

While it's still early days yet, the increase in my productivity level is astounding. In the past three workdays, I've accomplished more than I have in the past two weeks. But perhaps more importantly, I'm awake, showered, and dressed by 10 am and I'm done with work and free to see friends by 6:30pm. For those of you that work at home, definitely consider the buddy system (perhaps even three people – a tripod is the first self-standing base).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Relative Induced Reality Check

The holidays provide good markers of personal growth. There's something about reuniting with relatives that click in and out of my life at bi-annual intervals that is very illustrative of my progress or stagnation. The questions they ask are always informed by the responses I doled out 6-months prior.

Q: "How is (insert name of ex)?"
A: Oh, we're not together anymore.

Q: "How is that baseball play going?"
A: Oh, it closed, I'm sorry that you weren't able to make it. Maybe, by the next one I'll be wearing clothes and you can come see it.

Q: "How are you liking LA, I know you were worried about moving down?"
A: I'm liking it a lot better than I expected. It's a big enough place that everyone can find their community if they look hard enough.

Q: "So are you famous yet?"
A: Well, I must be. You seem to know who I am.

Unfortunately I sometimes get asked questions that I don't want to answer… especially when asked by my girlfriend's father.

Q: "How's the acting career going?"
A: There isn't too much union work going on and the students are all on break, so I haven't been out on many auditions. Mostly I've been focusing on training. I'm studying with The Groundlings, it's an improv-based acting program. A lot of really successful people have come through there. I've also been doing a lot of workshops and reading. Actually, I've got a couple interviews lined up and should have commercial representation by the end of January.

I don't know why I always feel so compelled to justify myself in these situations. Maybe it's because the above question translates in my head to: "Alright actor boy, how much longer are you going to call acting a job while dating my daughter?" It's not that the question was asked with any malicious intent, it's that I'm forced to ask myself the question. The whole of affair reminds me of the scene in "Say Anything" where John Cusack's character explains that he wants to be a pro kick boxer.

In other words, the Holidays provide a bit of a reality check. To date, I haven't made any serious inroads to real productions. That is something that I have to own up to. Part of my homework for this weekend is to take an honest look at 2007 and figure out what I feel good about, what I feel bad about, and what I need to change to make 2008 a better, more productive year.

And a note from the editor:
You may have noticed a sharp decline in the number of blog posts you see over the past month, and most dramatically the past couple weeks. Blogging has taken a backseat to my day-jobs and friends and family – I'm hoping to return to a more regular posting schedule in the coming weeks and months.