I have published many personal and career goals on this blog. After the initial declaration there isn't a lot of follow up, mostly because I haven't fully executed those goals. So in this entry I'm going to review some of my larger proclamations and give you a status update, perhaps to shame myself towards further progress.
- Internet Sobriety: So far I'm two days into my fortnight of internet abstinence and I've already cheated. I managed to stay off the internet during my work hours, but I caved this evening and spent close to an hour looking at garment steamers online. Why? I have a stack of clean but wrinkled shirts and instead of ironing them I searched for an easier simpler, more elegant solution. I'm hopping back on the wagon as of now. The weekend will be a trying time, but I really do need to establish this is something I can do. (FWIW The Jiffy Steamer 2000 sold at Costco is your best bet.)
- Prepare Monologues for Agent Interview: I've committed to performing my monologues in next Wednesday's acting class. I'm still trying to pick them, but I have been doing research.
- I Will Dare To Be Brave: I'm still in LA after 7.5 months, that's got to count for something. But in all honesty I'm giving it "the good ol' junior college try," as my friend Loren likes to put it. At this point I'm committing to investing progressively more energy each month.
- My Ass Will Look Great In My Pants: 5-weeks in and I'm still running 2+ times a week with my in-building running buddy. This despite trips and vacations on both our parts. Let's see how I weather the next two weeks sans buddy.
- Slacker's Anonymous – A Short Film: Perhaps I set myself up for failure with a title like "Slacker's Anonymous", I never finished a first draft of the script. This has morphed into the goal of shooting 1 reel-quality scene or monologue and completing the film when I have a solid story.
- Stop Dipping Into Savings: I've been largely successful in this aim. Although I did use a little grandma money that earmarked for education to pay for: my classes. Also, it looks like I'll be getting a decent tax return which should allow me to beef up my savings a bit.
- Do Repetition Exercises on a Tropical Island: I'm working my way through an 8hour DVD of a Sanford Meisner master class instead of studying at The Meisner Center. In essence I got scared of the time and financial commitment and thus 86ed myself out of a fairly plum opportunity.
- Transform My Career in 8-Weeks: I'm in week six of the Creative Career Co-op and while I haven't completely changed my world I have gotten a couple projects off the ground (get in shape, and shoot some film). It's a really great program and if I wasn't approaching it with a mildly resistant attitude I could be making some serious progress.