Sunday, February 24, 2008

Shout Out To: Diablo Cody & East Bay Arts

In the grand tradition of many hip hop artists and white dorks under the mistaken impression it's cool to co-opt language that isn't theirs I want to send a shout-out to Diablo Cody, who just won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for her film Juno. I'm elated for her, what a spectacularly wonderful, funny, gracious, unique and beautiful person she is. Even E-Page thinks so, 100%.

That being said, I've also gotten my hands dirty with some video work. I re-cut the East Bay Arts promotional video to include some new footage, photos, and music (thanks to An Ta for selecting the music and getting the shots I needed). It was a rushed job, and I was up 'til 4:30am working on it today, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. If you know of any high school age students living in the SF East Bay, I can't recommend the school enough. Definitely look them up:

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