Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Updated Demo Reel + I need your help!

I've updated my demo reel, I'm now on version 3. I've ditched all of my previous footage and I'm instead using new tape from "Weed Killer". I feel much better about this than my previous reel - it's more indicative of where I'm at as an actor. Now I just need to get some solid comedy footage together so that I can have something other than the hyper-dramatic acting so often found in short films.

I've embedded my reel below, but if you don't see it, you can view it here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncTAt9HhbtM

Also, I need your help. Please vote in the following poll so that I know how to arrange the clips:

If you can't see the above poll, please follow this link:

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