Saturday, February 28, 2009

Save The World: Watch a Silly YouTube Video

I left the country for 5-months and I came back to find out that my friend Prince had replaced me with another brown-haired UCSC Film student: Jake. I wasn't a huge fan, but I was okay with it because, well I had done the same thing not too long before. Before Jake, and before Donovan, Prince's brown-haired UCSC film student was Gabriel.

Click here if you don't see the embedded video.

But watching the above video, I discovered that Jake made a YouTube video about saving the planet starring my friend from high school, Eric. I didn't even know they knew each other. This guy Jake has totally crossed the line. Not only is he serving my role in all of my friend's lives he's actually doing something to save the world instead of just idly wishing it were better. Jake and I need to meet each other soon, or I fear I'm going to go all Talented Mr. Ripley on his ass just to get my life back.


Prince Gomolvilas said...

I can't wait to see you two slapfight each other!

John said...

I see you've found out...

prepare yourself.