Monday, August 10, 2009

Two Shoots In Two Days

Starting work at 10am, walking through the warm air, lazing away afternoons, and spending evenings cooking dinner with friends, it can be easy to forget there's a reason I live in Los Angeles beyond the joys of hedonism. This weekend I got the chance to work on two very cool digital video projects, and I was reminded of why it is I came to LA and why that's pretty fantastic.

On Saturday, I got to act in a very funny sketch produced my buddy JP. As instructed, I showed up in 50's attire looking like a Howdy Doody good-ol-boy. I got to play the part of a concerned citizen and was encouraged to improvise various reasons to be upset with my government. Not unlike this woman:

It was great fun, I got to show up, do my bit and go.

On Sunday I worked as a PA on a Butterfinger contest video produced by fellow UCSC film school alum, Jake of Will & Jake: Contest Warriors fame. The day started at 8am which is decidedly earlier than I'm typically inclined to wake. That said, it was a very fun day. I'm not sure to what extent I'm free to discuss the video, but the actors were a joy to watch. Let's just say that some "special skills" listed on an actor's resume are more special and enjoyable to be around than a bad Irish dialect.

As PA I was in charge of driving the talent to location, transporting equipment, applying spirit gum and false eyebrows, tossing butterfingers, and holding reflectors. I enjoyed the shift in perspective that working behind the camera offered. All of the ego stuff that comes with acting fell away, as did the nerves, and I was free to focus on helping the production in general. In fact I was happy to find an outlet for my maternal instincts. "Are you hungry? Here, have some trail mix." "It's bright out. Sunscreen?" "You look hot, would you like some water?"

After working with friends on projects that are silly fun, it's now much easier to understand why Clint Eastwood did all those monkey movies.


Cheryl said...

Concerned citizens are a comedy goldmine. I can see why Amy Poehler was inspired to do Parks & Recreation, even if the results turned out overly Office-ish.

Donovan Keith said...

There really is the germ of something fantastic in "Parks & Recs". I hope they figure out how to bring it to fruition before the series gets cancelled.