Sunday, August 2, 2009

Two Years in Los Angeles (An Introduction)

August 1st, 2009 marked my 2nd anniversary in Los Angeles. When I first moved to LA it was with the understanding that I would stay for 3 years to pursue an acting career, even if I hated it. Two years after initially making that commitment, I find myself in a city that is far more creative, inspiring, and welcoming than I ever could have anticipated. For the first time in my life since childhood, I am friends with my neighbors. I have constructed what I feel is a genuinely good life. I am still committed to an acting career, although I certainly seem to have lost some of the blinding energy I possessed when I first arrived.

I have simultaneously accomplished far less than I expected and far more than I could have imagined (I’ve circumnavigated the globe!). Over the coming weeks I’ll be blogging about my progress in various domains, how I feel about it, and what I have learned that might be of use to actors considering a move to LA.

For now, I leave you with what I found to be a strikingly beautiful video of the 2nd largest aquarium in the world with music by Barcelona. When I was a kid my parents oft took me to Sea World, home of Shamoo. I would wander off on my own. Aparently my parents never got too worried because they always knew where to find me: the giant aquarium. That boy must be alive and well in me because I sat transfixed when I watched this video; it's as beautiful as the silver-shimmering giant tuna were when I was five. May it bring a moment of peace to your day…

Thanks to the talented and charming Louise On The Left for tipping me to this great video.


My mother read the above post and sent me an emil to set the record straight on her parenting. Below is her (assuredly more accurate) version of events:

We had a seasons pass to Sea World, where you wanted to go almost every weekend. You were going on three when we moved to Hanford, so you were somewhere between the ages of beginning to walk and 2.5. Once you got in the aquarium, you completely forgot we existed, which was pretty amazing for a toddler. We always knew where you were...


Cheryl said...

As an L.A. native, I'm always happy when people are pleasantly surprised by this city. I'm glad we'll have you around for at least another year--hopefully more!

Will said...

This entry really struck a chord with me. Thank you for that beautiful video.

Sokrates Frantzis said...

Another fine post, Donovan. I moved here on July 17, 2007, just two weeks before you. And like you, I "seem to have lost some of the blinding energy I possessed when I first arrived." But the good news is that we're still around: I suspect that a lot of actors give up and leave town when that initial burst of energy subsides.

Cheryl, I'm loving LA, too! I get annoyed by the ever-ubiquitous LA bashing and am always happy to put in a good word for the City of Angels.