Thursday, March 18, 2010

How To Know What You Really Want To Do

I've got a lot of friends who go through life not knowing what they want to do. They go from job to job, relationship to relationship, party to party, and while they do have fun they often feel unfulfilled. I think this happens to folks (myself included) because we don't have a clear sense of purpose. Clarity of purpose can redefine a person's life.

But finding a purpose, let alone being clear about it, is easier said than done. I was talking with someone who suggested this test:

Imagine that money is no longer an issue. You've just won hundreds of millions of dollars in a lottery. What do you do?

The answer to that question will tell you a lot about what is truly important to you. You may not have millions in the bank, but how can you start living a life that is closer to that imagined ideal? You don't have to wait.

1 comment:

Prince Gomolvilas said...

"Imagine that money is no longer an issue. You've just won hundreds of millions of dollars in a lottery. What do you do?"

Spank it.