Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Every Actor Should Have a Current Passport
I asked my friend Michael to take my passport photograph. You can see his handy work above. The US government actually requires that you not smile - it's easier to recognize world-weary travelers that way.
Anyhow, I've got a project coming up that might take me around the world, and for that I'm going to need a passport. Amazing how the promise of work can break the ties of inertia.
For more information on getting a passport, please visit
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
How To Make a Vision Board
Let me preface this by saying that I don't typically go in for hoogeley boogeley like "find your inner swan and let it squack to the world!" I have a very tenuous relationship with Hollywood's latest obsession "The Secret." Sitting in my apartment thinking of Lamborghinis will not result in me magically owning a brand new Lamborghini at the end of 6-months. It just won't. Period.
That said, thinking about what you want to achieve and having a positive mindset about it can only help. It's very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and lose track of why it is you're doing what you're doing. A vision board serves as a constant reminder of what each step along the path is brining you closer to.
Here's my vision board, feel free to click on it to get a larger image:
"Wait!" you might say, "You wrote an entire article on how to make a collage that looks like it came off a 14 year old girl's bedroom wall?!" To which I reply: Yes, yes I did. Those 14 yr old girls had the right idea, I can almost guarantee you Katie Holmes had pictures of Tom Cruise plastered over her bedroom walls when she was a kid. Note: The artistic merit of a vision board is secondary to its content.
How to Make a Vision Board:
This is probably the single-most important part of this whole affair. Find some time and a place where you can sit down and comfortably think about your life. Put on some mellow music and put on a tie-dyed shirt, you're about to go on a vision quest.
Think about your life as it currently stands, which aspects of it make you most happy? This may be time on stage, or lazy afternoons shared with friends, or a check for 10 million dollars. What aspects of your life are you unsatisfied with? Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? Basically, try to come up with a list of qualities, people, places, and things that you would like to see in your life in the future - don't neglect to include those things present which you already enjoy.
Poster Board or Canvas Board
Lots of Magazines
Photographs of yourself
Glue Sticks or Paste
- Divide your board into sections by theme. Mine is divided into: Career Success, Craft Success, Relaxation, and Travel. These themes are meant as a guide and don't need to be strictly adhered to.
- Flip through your magazines and tear out any images or text that jump out at you. Include people you'd like to meet or emulate, striking images, adjectives that describe your future life, and locations that resonate with you.
- Sort the torn pages and images into the themes you picked during Step 1.
- Paste large simple colors into each of the themes. This is to prevent unsightly gaps in the background (notice the ugly white section to the left of Ellen Page and the other above Robert Redford, avoid this).
- Cut an image of yourself and paste it in the center of your board, this will later help you imagine yourself in this life - otherwise it all seems a little too distant.
- Cut and paste the most significant images onto your board into the various quadrants. Continue to do so until your board is full and represents what you want your life to be.
Back to Ones
I feel like I need to go back to ones with my pursuit of acting in LA. I'm making slow and steady progress, but I'd do well to recapture some of that initial surge of energy that followed me down here.
This evening I'll be meeting back up w/ some of the members of the Sage Career Co-op to go over my goals for the next 8 weeks. I feel like the following goals will serve me well:
- Land an agent.
- Continue to improve my craft, especially those aspects that relate directly to film/tv/commercials.
- Lose a couple inches off my waist so that my pants will fit again.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Manual of a Weed Killer: That's A Wrap
Sunday, April 20, 2008 A Great Tool For Early Calls
It's tired nights and early mornings like this that predispose me to sleeping through my alarm. To that end, I make sure that I set three alarms - an alarm clock, a radio alarm, and a wakeup call service. I'm a persistent enough sleeper that I need double-redundancy, my sleeping self is capable of hopping in and out of my loft bed twice to turn off alarms before it even registers that I should be awake. is a pretty cool solution to the problem of setting a wakeup call in a foreign land. I was one of the early beta testers of the product and my suggestions led to some of their current features. Basically, you go to this website, say when you want to wake up, type in a message for yourself, and the next day you'll get a call to the phone you specify. So, if you ever need an alarm clock and you don't have one handy, try
Thursday, April 17, 2008
First Day of Shooting Manual of a Weedkiller
Case in point: the first scene we shot takes place in a small home-made greenhouse; diffuse plastic was laid over PVC pipe and arched into something that resembled a Native American sweat lodge. It was piping hot and I had to towel off and reapply matte powder between every take. But I did get to step outside while the shots were being reframed so that my pit stains could dry. The sound ops and camera crew just sat inside the sweltering tent for hours; no real breaks. The crew are the real heroes of a film production.
It was a good first day of shooting, the crew was great, my costar is fun to be around and I felt good about my work in a way that I haven't felt in a while. Oh, and the footage is absolutely gorgeous.
My shooting day ended at 8:45pm, meaning I worked about a 14 hour day. As tired and asymmetrically sunburned as I am, it sure beats working at home alone.
My Sketch Show This Sunday (4/20/08)
My buddy JP and I have written what we know is an extremely smart and funny sketch. This will be my first pseudo-theatrical performance since living in San Francisco, so if you want to see me in my LA Theater debut, please come to:
Tickets cost: $15 all of the proceeds go towards the Leukemia and Lyphoma Society.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Silly Dances are Funny - Further Evidence
My favorite is probably the "feeling awkward while pumping gas" about half-way in.
Tim Meadows at Upright Citizen's Brigade
Well, this evening I had the pleasure of seeing Tim Meadows perform in Assscat!!! at the Upright Citizen's Brigade; pretty much the best place to see improv in Los Angeles. Just sayin'
Ok, I really have nothing more to say.
The F#$*ed up psychology of cattle call auditions.
- Actors who are fearful start consulting other actors for advice before they go in the room.
- Actors play mind games and come out of auditions laughing, hooting, hollering and saying things like "You can all go home now!"
- Actors attempt to prove that they are the funniest people in the room and talk loudly about random crap - too many guys boast about their cars.
- Actors will intentionally undercut others, "Oh, you wore a blue shirt. That's a... bold choice."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Alexander Technique Teachers in Los Angeles
One of my classmates was interested in studying Alexander Technique but he didn't know where to find any teachers in the LA area. After some research I generated a good-sized list of teachers.
Alexander technique, if you're not familiar with it, is a really wonderful tool if you have any postural or vocal production problems. From wikipedia:
The Alexander Technique is a way of working for the self-prevention of unhelpful or harmful habits that interfere with the mental and physical conditions best-suited for the health and functioning of the "self" as a whole.In other words, people carry a lot of unnecessary tension and often do things in completely inefficient ways that do far more harm than good. By putting a little mental focus on such matters you can drastically improve you posture, ease your breathing, and bring an aliveness to your body and movements that you haven't experienced since you were a small child.
Enough stalling, below you can find a whole host of teachers trained in the technique:
American Society for the Alexander Technique
Book Recommendation: The Great Acting Teachers
In this book Brestoff takes the reader on a personal journey through the history of acting from Thespis to Stanislavski to Suzuki. At times the book reads like a history, at others it takes us on a fanciful journey through time and space, and it also includes passages that give you a sense of what it is to learn acting in each of these great teachers' studios.
If you, like me, have a fairly eclectic training, this book will help give you a sense of history and where you fit in it.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Dashed Hopes OR Always Get It In Writing
When I got to The Groundlings and examined the class roster I noticed that my name was conspicuously absent. When I checked with the gals at the office, they too discovered that I was in fact not registered for the class.
"What?! I registered the day that registration opened."
It appears that the day I registered they were encountering some serious database problems, and their server crashed just as my registration was being processed. I never received a confirmation email, but I took the confirmation page to be enough.
The moral of the story is: Get it in writing. If there's a confirmation page, print it out. Make sure you get the email, and if you have to, call to confirm. 'Cause at the moment I neglected to do any of those things and now have to wait for the next session to roll around. Thankfully the folks at the Groundlings were understanding of my plight and have given me priority registration and put my name at the top of the wait list for this session.
The other important lesson is that if you're frustrated with a situation and remain polite to those people who can fix your problem, there is some hope of resolution.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Unexpected Income - Editing Demo Reels
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Newcomer’s Orientation
Our conversation wound through geography, up to work, finding comfort at craft, climbing to relationships, falling to raunch, and oscillating to a delightful hum in the realization that we shared similar ideas about how it was we wanted to find success in this town. We agreed that it was a bad idea to sell our souls, but that there might come a time when we would have to; just not yet. The key, we discovered, is that no matter what you do in this town or what this town does to you – you have to live your life. So it might as well be the life you want to live.
I will share with you, faithful reader, the one piece of advice from our dinner that I feel genuinely qualified to give. It will come to you by way of anecdote.
When I first moved to LA there were only two things that I truly could not stand about the town: traffic, and parking. Every night I'd drive home sighing my frustrations at the cars streaming before me in an endless parade of red brake lights. When I got to my apartment, my supposed sanctuary, I found no place where my Mitsubishi Galant could rest it's weary tires. I would circle, and circle, and circle in search of parking. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 23 minutes and not one fucking space in this block?! Eventually I reached a point of such extreme frustration that I would park five or six blocks away because, well, spaces were available. As this became routine, I stopped searching for parking near my home. What used to be a 20 minute quest became a ten minute walk home and a ten minute walk out to my car. A curious thing happened because of this new strategy, a certain buoyancy entered my step, the stresses of the day rolled off my shoulders and by the time I joined apartment key with apartment lock I was happy, renewed, and refreshed. What once felt like a punishment, exacted upon me by the forgotten Gods of Olympus, was now an expected pleasant part of my day. My time commitment hadn't changed, searching for parking and walking both ways averaged to the same 20 minutes. But I had shifted my mindset.
A Joke:
A man walks down the street and sees another man lying in the street. The standing man asks the supine man "What on earth are you doing lying in the street? You're going to get yourself killed!" The horizontal man replied "I'm saving this parking space! I was so excited to find it I sent my wife out to buy a car."
Don't be the man in the road. Leave early, park where there are spaces, and enjoy the walk to your destination.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Cold Reading Tips
When an actor is given a script and only given a little bit of time to prepare all of the blood drains from his brain and floods his major muscle groups. Yep, fight or flight. So when you feel stupid in an audition, it's because you actually are stupid. That being said, if you create and practice a preparation for cold reads and auditions you'll be much more able to effectively wrangle your grey matter (it's had more practice).
When actors are given a script on short notice they often fall into the trap of immediately building a character and back-story without taking the time to fully understand the text. This is stupid. The text will inform your character choices, and will allow you to be more specific and accurate. A couple very good choices will serve you far better than a dozen ungrounded and unclear choices. In order to arrive at a clearer understanding of the text in a short period of time, you should read it in a series of passes, making a conscious effort not to think just about your character but to take in the totality of the scene.
- Read the first few lines and a the last few lines of the script. It's entirely possible to read a script and have no idea what you just read, reading the beginning and end gives you context as you read through the whole script. Remember, time is precious.
- Read the script as a WRITER. Ask yourself these questions:
- Why is this scene in the script?
- What page number is this? Are we still in exposition-land?
- How is the scene written?
- Short sentences?
- Long sentences?
- What is the significance of the style of the writing.
- Short sentences?
- Why is this scene in the script?
- Read the script as a DIRECTOR. If you were to direct the actors in the scene, how would you tell the other actor to play their part? This will help you to generate lively responses when you are working with a CD or actor who is giving you a flat read (DO NOT take this as license to actually direct the other actor, that's a big no-sirreee JimBob).
- Read the script as an EDITOR. Ask yourself these questions:
- Where are the close ups?
- Is there a turning point in the scene? Find It!
- This is where the character shifts their psychological state.
- It can be the last moment of the scene.
- This is where the character shifts their psychological state.
- Control the time.
- Where can you place a moment within YOUR lines that directs all of the focus to you?
- Put a marker in the first 4 lines of the scene. CDs make snap judgments; make sure they've had a chance to really take you in.
- Put a marker in the first 4 lines of the scene. CDs make snap judgments; make sure they've had a chance to really take you in.
- Finally, read the script as an ACTOR. Make the strongest possible choice that the text of the scene will hold.
- Even if it's "wrong" it's far better to make a strong choice supported by the text and get a redirect than to make a middling choice and get dismissed.
- How can you raise the stakes in the scene?
- Even if it's "wrong" it's far better to make a strong choice supported by the text and get a redirect than to make a middling choice and get dismissed.
- Where are the close ups?
- Read the scene for CLARIFICATION. If there are any lingering questions you have (e.g. What is my relationship to this other character?) read the text with only that question in mind. You'll likely find the answer, if you don't just pick something.
While this post has grown into something of a tome, it's all really good stuff and definitely worth giving a shot the next time you're playing around with a script with some actor buddies. If it works for you, then make a habit of doing it every time you get sides, a habit of preparation is what will allow you to excel in a cold-read situation.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Preparing for a Commercial Agent Interview
In preparing for my commercial agent interview, I realized there's quite a bit to do.
- Assemble a solid reel representing your work.
- Be sure to emphasize any strong comedic work that you've done.
- Be sure to emphasize any strong comedic work that you've done.
- Bone up on your commercial audition technique.
- Agents want to believe that you can wow casting directors and give a great audition. So practice reading commercial copy.
- Work in front of a camera – it's the best feedback you'll ever get.
- Agents want to believe that you can wow casting directors and give a great audition. So practice reading commercial copy.
- Prepare a monologue.
- In about 75% of the agent interviews I've attended they've asked me if I had a monologue I wanted to perform.
- In 100% of the interviews where a monologue was needed, I didn't have one at performance quality. Of course Murphey's law dictates that at the interview where I had a monologue prepared, I wasn't asked for one.
- In about 75% of the agent interviews I've attended they've asked me if I had a monologue I wanted to perform.
- Prepare your questions
- Remember you are interviewing the agent as well.
- Remember you are interviewing the agent as well.
- Headshot/Resume
- This should go without saying, but bring a headshot and resume (multiple copies is always a good idea).
- Know your measurements: height, weight, shoe size, chest, waist, inseam, etc.
- This should go without saying, but bring a headshot and resume (multiple copies is always a good idea).
- Dress for success
- Wear clothes that you like, you'll feel better and the agent will get a better sense of who you are.
- Iron your shirt/slacks/dress, and make sure that your socks match.
- Wear clothes that you like, you'll feel better and the agent will get a better sense of who you are.
- Relax
- As much as possible try to be the charming lovable you that all of your friends enjoy hanging out with.
- Remember, this is one of many agents you will have in your career – so no need to have a kitten, no matter how badly you want an agent.
- The agent wants you to succeed just as much as you want to.
- As much as possible try to be the charming lovable you that all of your friends enjoy hanging out with.