Sunday, November 21, 2010

Creation #13: Lemon Meringue Pie

Well, that was the goal. It turned into an over-wet half-baked pie crust, sans lemon, and sans meringue. It seems there are some projects in life that can't be rushed and that don't respond well to haphazard instruction-following. I suspect that there is more leeway in how one can operate a nuclear power plant than in how one can bake a lemon meringue pie.

4 tbs of ice water turned into 5 tbs of tap water, which turned into a sloppy pie crust that didn't come together. Matters weren't helped when I put the pie crust in the oven, and returned in 20 min to discover I had turned the oven off instead of on. What should have been a deliciously crispy golden brown crust was a soppy pile of raw dough collected at the bottom of my pie pan.

What I Learned:
-Baking anything worthwhile is an hours long process that doesn't respond well to multitasking.
-Follow instructions exactly, unless you know the mechanics of a process well enough to know what effect your deviations will have on the final result.
-Even a failed pie is better than a pie not attempted, the crust (once baked again) made for a pretty tasty snack.

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