Sunday, November 21, 2010

Creation #14: An Icky Limerick

My friend Heather is working on a project in her book arts class, so she put out a call for original limericks. The title of the book will be Limer"ICK" and it of course will be about all things icky.
There once was a fellow named Jack.
Who coughed blood into a sack.
He retched every day,
For lack of co-pay.
His insurance you see, was Aflak.
For instructions on writing your own limerick, visit:

Again, nothing brilliant. Also, I'm a little disturbed that the rhyming part of my brain seems absolutely fixated on respiratory ailments. That said, word play is something I really appreciate, so it's fun to play with even though I'm pretty horrendous at it (excuse: lack of practice).

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