A lot of actors can pass as "normals" until you see them doing their warm-ups. I spent an entire weekend at a Fitzmaurice Voice Technique Workshop taught by Saul Katsubei. It was phenomenal and I've grown quite a bit as an artist (I've tripled the size of house I can easily play to) - but we did some wacky ass shit to get to the end result.
Some highlights:
Ass Tag - Wherein you attempt to bop others on their bottoms while keeping both your biscuits safe.
Destructuring - Wherein you place your body in such an awkward position that it begins to shudder involuntarily while you hyperventilate and moan loudly.
Breathing Buddy - Wherein 15 strangers lay on the ground in a giant puppy pile trying to feel each other breathe through at least two contact points.

There's a lot more that transpired, and a lot that was learned - but looking back on the weekend I question my ability to turn down the Kool-aid if it is ever offered to me.
that sounds quite kinky.
been reading the blog for a bit, by way of Diablo's and I'm interested. by the way, is that your real name? it's totally a famous name.
Where I come from, "ass tag" means something totally different.
Hey Lucky,
Yep, that's my real name. My middle name is Shane, so it seems I've already missed my opportunity to be child-acting star Donovan Shane Keith.
I'm glad to see that folks other than friends and family are interested in what I have to write.
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