Sunday, September 2, 2007

Superman Was A No-Show

Breaking News
Superman is a No-Show!

I woke up all too early this morning to make it to the set of "The Resume". I got there a couple minutes before my 8am call (I stopped for breakfast at McDonalds) and greeted the rest of the cast. Notably absent was the gentleman playing Clark Kent - the lead. Apparently he got his AMs and PMs mixed up.

We ended up shooting all of the shots that didn't show Clark's face - including a number of over-the-shoulder shots with one of the grips standing in as his shoulder. It felt like a wacky way of working, but I suppose one must make do.

It looks like I'll be returning to shoot masters and over-the-shoulders for my scenes with Clark Kent. To aide in that, I took a photo of myself in costume so that I could maintain continuity. Casting me as Jimmy Olsen? Pure genius, I mean: look at me.

1 comment:

heartagram_girl said...

well hello...gosh being that you aren't my teacher anymore, im not sure if i should call you Donovan or mr.Keith...well anyway,im especially happy that you are doing well and hope this continues to workout for you. I'm still expecting one day to end up watching tv or going to the movies and seeing you in there and shoot soda out of my nose and laugh. I have every faith in you and your abilities when it comes to acting and all the wonderful things that you do. Good luck um, Mr. Keith.

-Sara Nunes.