Indirect dir. by Hilde Susan Jaegtnes
On Wednesday of last week, I was set to fly out of Burbank airport to Oakland airport at 4:00 PM. This meant that I had to leave my apartment in Hollywood by no later than 2:30 to get to the airport in time. At 11:00pm I received a call from a playright acquaintence of mine named Hilde wherein she explained "I have a USC film school project due tomorrow, my ballerinas fell through, and I would really like you to act in my film."
I explained my time constraints and told her that after I finished packing for my trip I'd hop into costume and drive to her apartment in South Hollywood. I arrived at her apartment at 12:10pm. She had set up the camera and set, and quickly went over the premise with me. By 1:45 we'd filmed the project, I'd watched the raw footage, was $20 richer and was driving back to my apartment to leave for my flight in time.
The short film was a lot of fun to shoot, and is essentially a 3-minute silent clowning routine like those first filmed back before editing was the thing to do. I probably won't be able to use it for my reel, but I now have my foot in the door with a USC film student and her peers. Let's not forget that my buddy Diablo Cody's current co-conspirator Steven Spielberg started as a USC Film Student.
I met Hilde up in SF while doing staged readings for a writers group called "Playwrights' Cafe", Hilde was a member of the group and had enjoyed my work. We'd kept in contact via email and she knew that I had moved down to LA to act, and I knew she had moved down to go to USC. Thus when her performers fell through - she thought to contact me.
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