Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bow Tie, Schmo Tie.

As part of my preparations for the role of a lifetime, Jimmy Olsen, I went to the Glendale Galleria. The Glendale Galleria, for those not from the greater LA area, is an obscenely large mosque of materialism located in the town of my birth. I was trying to track down a sweater vest and bow tie so that I could match my director's "geek chic" costume requirements for the Daily Planet's cutest cub reporter.

The sweater vest was easy enough to find, I just stopped into Gap and lo-and-behold there were 3-options for me to choose from: Gray, Black, or Black w/ Gray. I opted for the gray because it'll be easier to film (black and white are both difficult to expose for, and bright red is bad if you're shooting video for different reasons). $45 later, I was off in search of a colorful bow-tie.

I first looked in Target - optimistic, but foolish. Then JC Penny - nope, only the black ones that go with the Tux shirts. Finally I went into Macy's. Certainly this classy operation would have a bow-tie for me to purchase, but no. So I returned home somewhat disheartened with sweater vest in hand.

Who does a guy have to have sex with to get a bow tie around here?
On second thought... I think a plain neck tie will work just fine.


Prince Gomolvilas said...

"an obscenely large mosque of materialism"

...You say it as if that's a bad thing.

Donovan Keith said...

I said it more for the alliteration than anything else.